UPDATE Dec 30th: MS Ambience of Ambassador Cruise Line cancels several cruises due to technical issues
SHIPS@SEA has already reported here in detail on the technical difficulties of MS Ambience, which led to the cancellation of the festive cruises.
In response to our inquiry, Lloyd Werft in Bremerhaven has merely confirmed that the ship is in their technical care. The shipyard did not elaborate on details requested by us, such as the date of the return to service, and instead referred to Ambassador Cruise Line.
Today we received a reply from Ambassador Cruise Line, from which we are happy to quote, as we know that readers are very interested in the ship.
In its response to us, the cruise line states, „Ambassador Cruise Line had to reluctantly cancel its Festive Market Getaway cruise and Christmas and New Year Canary Islands cruise following the identification of an issue with the lifeboat station onboard its ship, Ambience.“
It also states that „The ship is currently at the Lloyd Werft Ship Repair Yard in Bremerhaven, Germany, for repairs and post-repair tests.“
So far so known…
In addition to the „lifeboat-related repairs, as well as additional works on key focus areas have been carried out in order to ensure the vessel’s fully operational return to Tilbury“ the company stated.
On the question of the completion of the work, we were told:
„Work continues to progress as planned and safety checks and tests will be finalised early next week, in readiness for Ambassador’s Cuba and Treasures of the Caribbean itinerary on January 5th.“
Currently, Ambassador’s CEO Christian Verhounig, is also onboard Ambience, checking on the progress of the work, as written to SHIPS@SEA.
According to all information available to us, the German shipyard is working at great intensity to fully resolve the problems of MS Ambience, so that the next cruise to the Caribbean can commence as planned on January 5 from Tilbury.
Thats it as of today. Fingers crossed and we will report further with any upcoming news related to this topic.