SY Sea Bird – a first-hand visit to Port Victoria

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While the elegant cruise yacht SY Sea Bird is taking a break between two charter trips in the port of Victoria / Mahé, SHIPS@SEA visits the motor sailing vessel. This gives us the opportunity to take a detailed look around on board before the Sea Bird departs for the Outer Seychelles Islands.
Marina boarding
We enter the ship, which was built in Turkey in 2000, via the large marina platform at the stern. The wide staircase leads up to the main deck. Here is a large outside deck area where meals are preferably taken under a sun sail. The diving equipment is also stored here and made available for the diving guests.
Maritime interior
Inside the ship we find the cosy bar area with its lounge seating. Only a few steps away is the source of Creole food: the compact, modern galley. Towards the bow is the saloon, also designed with lots of wood, which invites you to rest – not only in uncomfortable weather. On this deck, you can comfortably walk around the outside of the Sea Bird on wooden planks.
The foredeck accommodates two kayaks and a SUP, as well as the anchor winch. You are right up close when the experienced crew of ten is using it. On a typical Seychelles cruise, this is constantly the case, as the Sea Bird takes up different positions every day.
Sunbathing under sails
From the bow, you have access to a large sunbathing area below the ship’s bridge. Above this is the so-called „fly bridge“, the captain’s outside steering position with seating for interested observers. Here you are guaranteed to get that sailing feeling as you glide under inflated sails through the island paradise of the Indian Ocean.
The lowest deck houses the passenger and crew cabins. For up to 24 guests, there are nine cabins to choose from, all of which are attractively furnished and have large daylight bathrooms.
Sum up
SY Sea Bird is the most elegant ship in the Silhouette fleet and has a maritime design with lots of wood throughout. Sailing enthusiasts are always close to the action on board, while divers and water sports enthusiasts find the best conditions on the one-week trips through the paradisiacal island world of the Seychelles. Without a doubt, ship and itinerary enter into a symbiosis that is hard to resist.

ADVERTISEMENT: SHIPS@SEA visited SV Sea Pearl in the port of Victoria at the invitation of Silhouette Cruises.